Thursday, July 21, 2011

12-Pages: Issue 8 Altered States

The new issue of 12-Pages, TBC Artists' Collective online is now live on TBC blog - Edited by Laura Davidson, the project challenged TBC members and their open submission to contribute to the theme Altered States.

Work generated for the brief originally stemmed from producing a series of notes brainstorming initial relationships and ideas based on the brief. I had discussed with Laura that these pieces could be uploaded onto 12-Pages blog as works in progress. However it was later discovered that this aided the narrative for the three pieces of work.
In Altered States I had become interested in exploring redundant acts that have aspirations to create and inform change.

For the best part of this year I've been working on the Residue series which explores the juxtaposition of contained gestures within abstract forms. Later works grew into creating two layers featuring ghostly geometric shapes, the Pallid series.

Residue: Pallid 

A single drawing from the Pallid series would act as signifier of information distributed, unable to reach it intended audience. 

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